I was poking around at a garage sale over the weekend and I came across some rare synth parts. At least I assume they’re rare because I can’t find any information about them on the Intertubes. First I found some Nord logs.

That lady didn’t have any clue what she had. I was able to buy the whole box for a quarter! I asked if she had any more parts and she said she had some Nord linears earlier that morning but some old guy bought them all up. I guess I need to get out of bed earlier if I’m going to outfox old people at garage sales. Anyway I’ll probably keep a couple for myself (just in case) and sell the rest on eBay. I don’t know what’s so special that makes them “fire” logs, but they sound way more extreme than the regular ones.
Next I found some part for a Moog chassis.

The box doesn’t have any part numbers on it so I’m having trouble figuring out which Moog it will fit. If anybody has any information about this part let me know. I think it may be the part you install when your Voyager sits a little wobbly on the table, but I can’t be sure. I don’t think I’m going to bother selling it since one of the parts is missing and the box is all smudged. If you do want it shoot me an email and maybe we can trade something.